
Implantology is a field of dental medicine that deals with the replacement of one or more missing teeth. The embedded implant is later used as a prosthetic replacement bracket (crowns or bridges or prostheses). Today’s implants are mostly made of titanium and are biocompatible with human tissue.

​Types of dental implants we use in our center are:

  • Straumann ( ),
  • Dentium ( ),

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Implanting dental implants is a pain free and safe surgical procedure!

The procedure of implantation can be accessed by all persons over the age of 18 if they have healthy and sanitized teeth and gums (dental flesh), good bone and if they meet the conditions for implantology.

After a clinical examination, diagnosis and defining of your dental condition, our team of dental practitioners will consult you and choose the best solution for you!

For implant surgery the patient comes to the clinic twice:


The patient is provided with implants with a temporary bridge / temporary prosthesis that will serve the next 3-6 months and heals at least 3 days.


The patient recovers within 7-10 days depending on the size of the final prosthetic work.

Oral surgery

Oral surgery is a field of dental medicine that deals with various oral-surgical procedures in oral cavity.

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All oral surgery procedures are performed under local anesthesia and are completely painless!

The most common surgical procedures are:

  • usual tooth extraction,
  • complicated extraction of retentive and impacted canines or molars (wisdom teeth),
  • extraction of broken and residual tooth roots,
  • apicotomy (root resection) is an operation that removes the tooth root tip together with the cyst or granuloma,
  • augmentation or replacement of the lost bone,
  • implant placement,
  • sinus lift surgery, etc.
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