Aesthetic dental medicine includes almost all areas of dental medicine (orthodontics, dental prosthetics, endodontics, periodontology). These interventions allow us to change the appearance of teeth by improving dental aesthetics, position, shape, size and overall smile.

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Aesthetic dental medicine means healthy and beautiful white teeth!

Aesthetic dental medicine includes:

  • prosthetic solutions- ceramic flakes, high-grade crowns
  • Tooth whitening
  • Tooth rejuvenation (“free bonding”, enameloplasty) and tooth gum (addition – grafts or removal – gingivectomy)
  • Reforming the dental structure by adding dental materials to the teeth – “free bonding” or removing the dental structure – enameloplasty / dental plastics
  • Orthodontic correction of teeth

EPIC X ™ is the only US diode laser with three unique ways of treating – soft tissue surgery or manipulation with flesh, whitening and healing the pain of muscles and joints.

In aesthetic dental medicine we often use our diode laser that is clinically versatile!

Aesthetic veneers

 are ultra thin, individually made shells made of pure ceramics that bind to the front side of the tooth. The teeth are being abraded only on the front. Veneers are an option for closing the area between the teeth, improving shape or changing the color of teeth that do not respond well to bleaching/whitening procedures.

Teeth whitening

is one of the most common aesthetic dental services. Today the market offers many ways of whitening, but the safest procedure is under the supervision of a dental practitioner.

We distinguish between “in office bleaching”, a process that provides fast and permanent teeth whitening and home bleaching (“home bleaching”) through individually-made dentures through an hour-long visit. Home-made blemishes are gradually achieved with excellent long-lasting aesthetic results. Tooth whitening is performed with the aid of gels, and with us, with additional light sources – laser, enhances the action of gels. There is also external tooth whitening and internal bleaching in black teeth “without the nerve”.

You can whiten your smile in our clinic (laser) or with whitening splints at home!

1. Laser whitening is a technique in which dental flesh is covered with a protective gum and a chemical bleaching agent is applied to the teeth. EPIC X ™ is an ideal teeth whitening solution that can brighten them up for 8 shades in just 20 minutes! This is faster than any other whitening device and it results in much less sensitivity than older systems.

2. Splinting is the procedure where we make a print for splint making and later fill it with gel. We have – higher concentrations of gel that we use in the clinic and – those for individual use at home where smaller concentrations are available and results are slower.

Opalescence® is the world’s leading brand of gel whitening products. Its treatments give wonderful and long lasting results. Opalescence products whiten teeth and concurrently protect against caries, relieve hypersensitivity and make your enamel healthier. We can use an “Opalescence Boost” gel-bleaching technique that is very simple and involves applying gel to the tooth surface (3×15 minutes). During that time the patient is comfortably sitting and resting. Tooth whitening in the ordination is proven to be the fastest and most powerful way, but also more expensive than home-whitening.

4. Internal whitening occurs in avital teeth when the tooth has changed its color due to tooth trauma or inappropriate prior nerve treatment . The gel is applied to the tooth opening, usually on the inside of the tooth. The precondition is to successfully fill the root canal! The tooth is then closed and the patient goes home. The preparation stays in the tooth for a maximum of four to five days and the patient keeps coming to visit until we reach desired color. In some cases, complete teeth whitening can not be achieved and we have to emphasize it before starting the therapy.

Contact us for a free examination so you can decide about the type and duration of whitening treatment!

Tooth rejuvenation

is achieved by adding material in the “free bonding” process in which the composite white material is applied to the tooth surface and aesthetically beautifies it by color or size or by removing the dental structure, enameloplasty / odontoplasty in which recolours and reduces the shape of the tooth to the desired size.

Gum reshaping-contouring

gives us a smoother smile by adding grafts when lowering the gingiva where the tooth is overturned or removed at the so-called “Gummy smile” where excessive tissue is removed in the gingivectomy process. The procedure is performed with a laser with a special extension allowing us to proceed without bleeding and accelerating wound healing.

Dental jewelry, skyce

birate Vi. Cirkon, ili dijamant može se staviti na prirodni zub, krunicu. Nakit se lijepi, a zub se nimalo ne oštećuje (ne brusi se). Nakit se može staviti i djeci jer se zubi ne oštećuju. Tretman jako kratko traje, a sa njim možete dobiti uljepšan osmijeh ili sakriti neki nedostatak.

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