Promoting the equality of persons with disabilities

In addition to promoting gender equality, for the company Matell Dental Centar Investicije d.o.o. promoting the equality of persons with disabilities in the realization of human rights and inclusion and their full participation in society in all possible aspects, especially in the social and professional aspects of life, is also extremely important. Employment of people with disabilities is the main factor of social integration, however, the prejudices that are mostly present in society are that such people are portrayed as less valuable and worse workers compared to people without disabilities.

The above has an impact on the fact that people with disabilities, compared to people without it, are accompanied by a higher unemployment rate, lower average incomes and lower participation in leisure activities, and all of the above encourages the development of a poorer quality of life. In addition to the aforementioned prejudices, insufficient education and information on the part of employers, who refuse to hire such persons due to insufficient knowledge and awareness, also have a major impact on underemployment.

Research data related to the work of people with disabilities show the exact opposite, i.e. they show that such people achieve very good results when working, respect working hours, and sick leave is also used at a minimal level.

The company Matell Dental Centar Investicije d.o.o. when hiring new employees, it primarily takes into account the candidate’s expertise and work experience in similar jobs. The key things that are taken into account are the ability, training and advancement of an individual within the collective, which solely depends on the person’s proactivity, desire to learn new knowledge and constant development of interpersonal relationships, regardless of their gender, nationality or disability.

It is important to educate the community, and especially employers, as much as possible about disability in order to break down prejudices and create an image of people with disabilities as equal and independent members of society, thus ensuring the best possible progress and fulfillment of the potential that such people have.

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